A rotating display is an ideal way to catch the eye and draw the attention of passers-by. A secure display cabinet incorporating attractive shelving and smooth, controlled movement by Movetech UK will greatly enhance jewellery, fine porcelain and fragrances as they are presented to the public. In fact they are popular the world over with shop fitters, designers, department stores, supermarkets and independents.
Movetech UK powered rotation is an ideal display enhancement tool, and the CTK, unlike standard display turntable drives the shelf systems and, has been specially developed to make it easy to remove for maintenance or repair while leaving the display intact.
Used with your existing shelf system, or with one we can supply, this special turntable drive can be discreetly mounted above the cabinet. The motor engages with the rotating shelf in such a way that, in the unlikely event you experience a problem with the turntable drive, you can remove it without specialist tools or disturbing the display